The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is often associated with security, grounding, and basic needs. Think of it as the basic needs that must be met before you can begin to expand.
What are signs of a balanced
Root Chakra?
feeling safe and secure in life
feeling grounded
feeling supported
What are signs of a balanced
Root Chakra?
feeling safe and secure in life
feeling grounded
feeling supported
Tools & Techniques for balancing your Root Chakra:
Connect with nature: Take a walk, Sit outside, Listen to the birds, etc.
Listen to grounding music
Journal: write about your sense of stability, security, etc.
Tarot (see spread below)
Crystals: Red Jasper (stabilizing), Obsidian & Tourmaline (protection), Brown Jasper & Hematite (grounding) -Check out for some great grounding stones!
Create a safe space: this can be somewhere in your mind or a physical, safe location
Yoga: Grounding poses help you connect with your body and the present moment
Affirmations: I am centered, I am safe, I am grounded, I am protected, I belong here